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CPSIA Reform Bill HR2715

Post Date:2011-09-27  Editor:admin  Hits:2808 [ Back ]

On Aug 12, 2011, US President formally signed Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) reform bill HR2715 as US Public Law No. 112-28. The main updates on TESTING are as follows:

1) Limitation on Lead

⊙  Children's products manufactured on or after Aug 14, 2011 must comply with the new lead content limit100ppm. The related products on market complying with 300ppm limit can be sold after Aug 14, 2011 evenif their component had lead content higher than 100ppm.
⊙  Motorized off-highway vehicles including snowmobiles are exempted from lead content limit.
⊙  Bicycles and related products: after Dec 31, 2011, total lead content for any metal component part of the products should not exceed the limit of 300ppm.
⊙  Used children's products, except metal jewelry are exempted unless the seller had actual knowledge on lead content limit violation.
⊙  The CPSC may grant exceptions for a specific product, class of products, material or component part if all three of the following criteria are met:
a)  The inclusion of lead is required for product to function or it is not practicable ortechnologically feasible to remove it;
b)  The product, component or material is not likely to be placed in mouth or ingested;
c)  There's no measurable adverse effect on public health or safety.

2) Third Party Lead Testing Exemptions(the lead limits should still be followed)

⊙  Metal component parts on bicycles
⊙  Ordinary books and paper-based printed materials

3) Application of Phthalates Limit

⊙  Phthalates limit do not apply to any component part of children's toys or childcare articles that isinaccessible to a child.
There're also some exceptions and modifications on non-testing aspects including tracking labels, ASTM F963, durable nursery products and CPSC public database.

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