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Standards and RegulationsCurrent Location:Home > News > Standards and Regulations > Text

California Revises Safer Consumer Products Regulations

Post Date:2013-04-11  Editor:Marketing Department  Hits:3737 [ Back ]

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has revised its proposed regulation for the Safer Consumer Products Regulations.

Summary of changes for the chemical portion include the following:

The list of chemicals is now called the "Candidate Chemicals" list.

•Chemicals classified by the European Union as Category 1 respiratory sensitizers have been added to the initial list of Candidate Chemicals
•Language has been added to make it clear that the Priority Products list will be established and updated through the Administrative Procedure Act rulemaking process
•The phrase "ability to" has been replaced with "potential to"
•An upfront applicability exemption has been added for products regulated by other laws that provide equivalent or greater protections with respect to the same public health and environment adverse impacts and exposure pathways that are addressed by those regulations
•The factors below are no longer upfront applicability exemptions, and are instead included as product prioritization factors:
•Whether the product is manufactured, stored in, or transported through California solely for use outside of California; and
•Whether the product is used in California solely for the manufacture of one or more of the products exempted from the definition of "consumer product."

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