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EU Amending Cd Limit in REACH

Post Date:2011-09-22  Editor:admin  Hits:3671 [ Back ]

2011年5月20日,欧盟委员会 (European Commission, EC) 颁布了一项法规(EU 494/2011),以修订REACH 附录十七(Annex XVII)对镉 (Cadmium) 含量的限制。此法规限制珠宝首饰、铜焊条和所有塑料的镉含量,并按照2011年5月21日颁布的修正案 (Corrigendum)所示,于 2011年12月10日正式执行。
European Commission published a new regulation EU 494/2011 on May 20th, 2011 to amend the cadmium limit in REACH Annex XVII. This new regulation specified the cadmium limit for jewelry, copper welding rod and all kinds of plastics. According to the corrigendum published on May 21st, 2011, it will come into force from Dec 10th, 2011.

European Directive for Cadmium 91/338/EEC

91/338/EEC 限制在色素、染料、稳压器和电镀中使用镉。该指令指出,在消费品、塑胶或油漆中镉的最大可允许含量不超过100mg/kg。
Cadmium was limited to be used in pigment, dyes, voltage stabilizer and electroplating in Directive 91/338/EEC. According to this directive, the maximum acceptable limit of cadmium is 100 mg/kg in consumer product, plastics or paint.

Amending content highlight

EU 494/2011出台前,REACH附录十七(Annex XVII) 已对混合物和物品的镉含量施行数项限制。现在,限制范围则延伸至珠宝首饰、铜焊条和所有塑料,把镉含量限于0.01%的水平。对于循环再用的聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 物料于建筑产品的应用,新法规容许重复使用低镉含量 (0.1%) 的再生聚氯乙烯 (recovered PVC)。修订后的REACH附录十七对镉含量的限制更加明确和具体。
Before EU 494/2011 is published, limit for mixture and article had been specified in REACH Annex XVII. Now the scope for limitation extend to jewelry, copper welding rod and all kinds of plastics and the limit of cadmium is 0.01% for the products mentioned above. With regard to applying cycle-used PVC on construction product, it is allowed to use recovered PVC with low cadmium content (0.1%) repeatedly. The restriction on camium in amended REACH Annex XVII is more specific.

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