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EU RoHS New Directive 2011/65/EU

Post Date:2011-09-22  Editor:admin  Hits:4174 [ Back ]

欧盟RoHS新指令2011/65/EU于2011年7月1日在欧盟官方公报上正式发布 。 新指令维持对现行六种物质的管控,优先对HBCDD、DEHP、BBP和 DBP进行评估。2011/65/EU于发布第20日起正式生效,欧盟成员国需在18个月内,即2013年1月2日前将其转化为本国法律。
The new RoHS directive 2011/65/EU has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 1st July, 2011. The new directive maintains the supervision and control of the current six substances, and requires prior assessments on HBCDD, DEHP, BBP and DBP. 2011/65/EU shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. All member states should transpose it to national legislation within 18 months, or to say before 2nd Jan, 2013. 

Compared to the old directive 2002/95/EC, main revisions are as follows: 

1.   扩大了产品范围:将所有的电子电气产品都涵盖在了指令管控的范围内(包括线缆和备用零部件),但是给予了新添入的第8类医疗器械、第9类监视和控制仪器(包括工业监控仪器)一定的过渡期,此外,还针对这两类产品 给出了20项的豁免(列于附件IV中);
Extended the scope of product: all electronic and electrical products are covered in the new directive (including cable and reserving accessory). However, transitional period is permitted for the newly added Category 8 (Medical Devices) and Category 9 (Monitoring and Control Instruments including Industrial Monitoring and Control Instrument). In addition, 20 exemptions are listed in Annex IV for these two categories;

2.   厘清了部分定义;
Clarified some definitions;

3.   管控物质的范围未扩大,还是维持了原有的六种物质的原限量要求,但是提出了今后的审查过程中,要对包括DEHP等在内的物质优先进行考察;
Maintains the limits for current six substances, but requires prior assessments on substances including
DEHP in the future inspection;

4.   删除了其中的生产商规定,而添入了“制造商”、“授权代表”、“进口商”、“经销商”的定义,并对其职责进行了明确的界定;
Deleted the specification for producer and added definitions for manufacturer, authorized representative, importer and distributor, and clarified the responsibilities respectively and clearly.

5.   规定了产品需贴附CE标志及CE标志的相关事宜。
Specified CE label on product and relevant affairs.

欧盟官方公报地址链接You can link to Official Journal of the European Union by this address:

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